
Heart Surgery Teaching 1793

Instructed patient about activity After Heart Surgery: he first 6-8 weeks, the following guidelines are generally recommended for patients recovering from heart surgery: Gradually increase activity. Household chores can be done, but standing in one place longer than 15 minutes is not recommended.

Torn Knee Cartilage Teaching 1538

The patient was instructed in torn knee cartilage/meniscectomy in the need to take shower with bactericidal soap. The patient was instructed that knee restoration is typically done on an outpatient basis but that more extensive repair may require a 1- to 2 day hospital stay. The patient was reviewed in the use of a hinged knee brace or knee immobilizer. The patient was recommended in the importance of the bandage applied to the knee and high support hose. The patient was encouraged in the importance of elevating the operational leg and applying ice bags to the working site to relieve inflammation.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1794

Instructed patient about activity After Heart Surgery: he first 6-8 weeks, the following guidelines are generally recommended for patients recovering from heart surgery: Don't lift objects that weigh more than 10 pounds. Don't push or pull heavy objects, unless restricted by doctor's orders, climbing stairs is allowed. walk daily. The doctor or cardiac rehabilitation specialist will provide guidelines upon the patient's return home.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1795

Instructed patient about your incisions, check daily. Notify your doctor if you notice any of the following: Increased tenderness of the incision line, Increased redness or swelling around the edges of the incision line, Any drainage from the incision line, A persistent fever, contact the doctor.

Hyperbaric Teaching 1540

Skilled nurse instructed patient/care giver in Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment in which the patient breathes 100 percent oxygen inside a pressurized chamber for approximately two hours. The therapy quickly delivers high concentrations of oxygen to the bloodstream, accelerating the healing rate of wounds and is effective in fighting certain types of infections. It also stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, improving circulation, and helping to prevent future problems.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1796

Instructed patient stop any activity immediately if you feel short of breath, notice irregular heart beats, feel faint or dizzy, or have chest pain. Rest until the symptoms subside. If they do not subside within 20 minutes, notify your doctor.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1797

Instructed patient Walking:This is one of the best forms of exercise because it increases circulation throughout the body and to the heart muscle. It is important to increase your activity gradually. Walk at your own pace. Stop and rest if you get tired. Each person progresses at a different rate after heart surgery.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1798

instructed patient about importance of taking all her/his prescribed medications at the same time each day in order to get the most benefits is to prevent further hospitalizations. Instructed patient about manage hidr Blood Pressure, High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kidney failure. The longer it's left untreated, the more serious its complications can become. We have a complete suite of tools to help you learn and manage the risks to your health from high blood pressure.

Heart Failure Teaching 1799

instructed patient about importance of taking all her/his prescribed medications at the same time each day in order to get the most benefits is to prevent further hospitalizations. Instructed patient your pain medication makes you feel tired, drowsy, or dizzy, call your doctor. If your pain medication causes constipation, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1800

Skilled nurse monitored blood pressure on patient and assess medication Instructed patient diet: early after a cardiac event, while you are still in the hospital. This phase usually includes light supervised exercise such as walking the halls and stair climbing.