
Heart Surgery Teaching 1888

Instructed patient immediately after surgery, people are usually practicing very basic self-care and are soon encouraged to get up, to breathe deeply, and to resume eating, drinking and walking. The American Heart Association is working to help families and communities live heart-healthy lives. Use this physical activity information to help you get active and stay active, for life.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1889

Instructed patient a particular diet, it's important that you follow it. If a special diet has not been recommended, balanced, heart-healthy nutrition can speed healing and lessen fatigue. Patient weight control is also important for your heart health; excess weight increases the work of the heart and slows recovery.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1890

Instructed patient during your recovery, find out what pace is right for you as you work your way toward a physically active lifestyle. Under your practitioner’s guidance, you should gradually build up your exercise and activity level. Before you begin a new strenuous activity, make sure it’s okay and find out if you have any guidelines to follow concerning your heart rate or level of exertion. To improve overall cardiovascular health, follow a regular exercise program that includes moderate physical activity for 150 minutes a week.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1891

Instructed patient about lifestyle modifications: healthy life choices will improve your overall health and your heart health and can help you slow the progression of your heart disease. Some heart healthy choices include: healthy diet choices eating a low fat, low salt, low cholesterol diet while avoiding excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine, reduce stress through exercise - Increasing your physical activity is a great way to reduce stress, improve sleep, and lose weight.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1892

Instructed patient common post-operative guidelines following minimally invasive heart valve surgery include the following: you will be encouraged to cough and deep breathe. You may be given a spirometer, a device for breathing exercises to keep fluid out of your lung, once all your tubes have been removed, you will be encouraged to shower daily and wash your incision with a mild soap to prevent infection.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1893

Instructed patient common post-operative guidelines following minimally invasive heart valve surgery include the following: you will be encouraged to walk, gradually increasing the distance and frequency. Your doctor may recommend an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program for exercise and education, you will have soreness and bruising around the incision site. You will be given pain medication to keep you comfortable.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1894

Instructed patient common post-operative guidelines following minimally invasive heart valve surgery include the following: you must notify your doctor before undergoing any invasive medical or dental procedures. All heart valve surgery patients will require antibiotic medications prior to certain dental or medical procedures to prevent a serious infection of the heart and valves called bacterial endocarditis.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1895

Instructed patient common post-operative guidelines following minimally invasive heart valve surgery include the following: follow-up visits with your doctor are very important for management of your medications. You will require blood tests periodically if you are on blood thinners to ensure the dose you are taking is safe.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1896

Instructed patient contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever, chills, redness, bleeding, irregular heart beat, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, or dizziness. Report redness, swelling, increased drainage or excessive pain at the surgical incision.

Knee bending Teaching 2168

SN instructed patient in knee replacement to get self - help devices to limit knee bending, elevated toilet seat, bath seat, and long - handled grippers. The patient was reviewed to evade putting extra weight on the knee and should use a walker, until totally recuperated. The patient was instructed the importance of joining in physical therapy to recover muscle strength and guarantee adequate lower extremity strength for ambulating with a walker or cane.