
Bladder infection Teaching 2042

SN instructed that symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection or bladder infection may include: Frequent need to urinate, burning sensation while urinating pressure in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back blood in urine. Symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection or a kidney infection may include: Fever, chills, nausea and / or vomiting, Pain higher in the back ( around the upper sides and waist ). In women, the symptoms of a urinary tract infection are similar to those caused by some vaginal infections.

Wound Care Teaching 1807

Instructed caregiver reducing additional risk factors, such as , high cholesterol, and elevated blood glucose, are important in prevention and treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. Wearing the appropriate shoes and socks will go a long way in reducing risks. the patient podiatrist can provide guidance in selecting the proper shoes.

Bedbound Teaching 1566

Instructed caregiver how to prevent Pressure Ulcers for Bed bound patients: Protect the Skin 
 patient from injury - Avoid massaging the skin on bony parts of the patient body. Limit pressure
 on bony areas by changing positions frequently. If the patient in a bed, preferably every 2 hours.

Teaching 1571

Partient is unable for diabetic care due to multiples functional limitation such as poor vision, poor eyes/ hand coordination. No caregiver available at this time.

VAC Teaching 1833

Instructed patient about vacuum assisted closure ( VAC ) therapy the length of time to heal a wound is different for every patient. General conditions, size and location of the wound, and nutritional status can affect the time it takes for a wound to heal. Your clinician will discuss when and why V.A.C. therapy may begin and end.

VAC Teaching 1834

Instructed patient unlike gauze bandages that merely cover a wound, V.A.C. therapy actively works to help the wound healing process. The V.A.C.therapy system helps: promote wound healing, provide a moist wound healing environment, draw wound edges together, remove fluid and infectious materials, reduce wound odor, reduce the need for daily dressing changes.

VAC Teaching 1835

Instructed patient abour the V.A.C. therapy System is an Advanced Wound Therapy System consisting of a V.A.C. Therapy unit that delivers negative pressure and a sterile plastic tubing with SensaT.R.A.C, pressure sensing lumens that connect the therapy unit to the dressing Special foam dressings. KCI recommends the V.A.C. Dressings be changed every 48 to 72 hours, but no less than 3 times per week. Patient has the ability to move around depending on the condition, the wound location and type of therapy unit prescribed. The V.A.C. Therapy System may be disconnected so you can take a shower. Therapy may not be off any longer than two hours per day.

VAC Teaching 1836

Instructed patient when should I call my clinician when on V.A.C. Therapy: immediately report to your clinician if you have any of these symptoms: fever over 102°, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, confusion, sick to your stomach or throwing up, dizziness or feel faint when you stand up, redness around the wound, skin itches or rash present, wound is sore, red or swollen, pus or bad smell from the wound, area in or around wound feels very warm.

Diabetes Teaching 1599

SN assessment done on all body systems. Checked blood sugar daily monitoring on patient's log book, hydration, dietary, and medication compliance. Instructed patient on keeping blood glucose within normal range and preventing the development of long-term complication. Careful monitoring of diet, exercise and blood sugar levels are as important as the use of oral medications in preventing complications of diabetes. Also taught infection control, safety/fall precautions and preventions, and to contact MD for any emergency and/or medical concerns and changes.

Diabetes Teaching 1600

SN complete assessment done on all body systems, checked vital signs, blood sugar monitoring, hydration, nutrition intake, and medication compliance. SN refilled patient’s medication box for daily routine. Taught patient to carefully manage her blood sugar with diet, physical activity, and medication to prevent diabetes complication and avoid hypo/hyperglycemia.