Urinary Tract Infection Teaching 2189

SN instructed patient on ways to prevent Urinary tract infection ( UTI ). Cranberry juice contains active compounds that are able to survive the digestive process. In the urinary tract system, these compounds actively work to fight bacteria. Its effectiveness at treating urinary tract infections has been proven, and regularly consuming cranberry juice can help prevent them. You don’t have to choose straight cranberry juice, it can be blended with apple juice or even water for taste without losing its effectiveness. Water helps to keep the system flushed out, preventing bacteria from accumulating and causing problems. Cranberry juice or cranberry juice cocktails should be offered on a regular basis and water intake should be tracked daily to ensure the patients are consuming enough water. Never Force yourself and wait - when you need to go the bathroom, your needs should be tended to immediately. Do not, under any circumstances, wait for a long period of time. Holding a full bladder for long periods of time can quickly lead to a urinary tract infection. Patient / caregiver verbalized understanding.