
PICC Line Teaching 1637

Instructed patient / caregiver inspect the site daily for any irregularities, such as swelling, redness, leakage or pain. If any irregularities or complications are noted, report them to a healthcare professional immediately.

Bone Marrow Teaching 1382

The patient was instructed in bone marrow transplantation in preventing complications like infection, bleeding, and stomatitis. The patient was advised to prevent infections in to wear mask when outside the in public, avoid contact with persons who may be infectious, avoid crowds, grocery stores, theaters, etc. The patient was taught in measures to prevent bleeding maintaining a safe environment, avoid using sharp objects etc. The patient was encouraged in prevent stomatitis maintaining a routine oral hygiene in the morning, after meals and at bedtime, avoid patient to use mouthwash containing alcohol.

PICC Line Teaching 1638

Instructed patient / caregiver if the catheter breaks, whether bleeding does or does not occur, do not panic. Using sterile gauze, apply sufficient pressure at the site so it is tightly and well covered and immediately report this to the physician. Maintain pressure on the site at all times.

PICC Line Teaching 1639

Instructed patient / caregiver for minimizing problems associated with PICC lines, guidelines include: Always wash hands before touching the PICC line, do not allow any sharp objects near the line, do not clean the skin near the line with any acetone containing cleanser.

PICC Line Teaching 1640

Instructed patient / caregiver keep the insertion site and dressing dry, do not go swimming as swimming pools not only harbor bacteria but a wet dressing is an ideal medium for bacterial growth, do not allow pets or young children to play with the PICC line.

Bronchoscopy Teaching 1385

The patient was instructed in bronchoscopy that a soft or liquid diet is needed for the first day or until throat pain disappears. The patient was advised that extremely hot foods or liquids should be avoided.

PICC Line Teaching 1641

Instructed patient caregiver seek professional help immediately if any discharge, redness, swelling or pain around the catheter insertion site is noticed.

PICC Line Teaching 1642

Instructed patient caregiver knowledge of maintenance and care of PICC lines insures long term use. Problems, detected early, greatly decrease any complications that might be associated with this line.

PICC Line Teaching 1643

Instructed patient / caregiver blood pressure readings in the arm cannulated with the PICC should be avoided.

Bowel Obstruction Teaching 1388

The patient was instructed in the bowel obstruction and resection with anastomosis in the proper wound management and dressing changes. The patient was advised where to obtain appropriate supplies such as sterile dressings. The patient was encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, avoid to drink carbonated beverages and gas producing foods