
Tracheostomy Teaching 1857

Instructed patient supplies that can be cleaned and disinfected for re-use: Trach tubes Trach swivel adapters Trach ties, Aerosol masks ,T-Pieces, Speaking valves, Nebulizers, Most hard plastic supplies. Cleaning your respiratory equipment: (Weekly),Cleaning and Disinfecting the Humidifier: (Daily)

Tracheostomy Teaching 1860

Instructed patient the following is a list of preventive measures that may help to avoid some problems: Make sure that the trach is open to air and that nothing is blocking it such as clothing or bedding. Always have a child nap or sleep with their apnea monitor or pulse oximeter on. Do not discontinue their use unless discussed with your ENT doctor.

Pursed lip breathing Teaching 2120

Sn instructed patient on pursed lip breathing. Pursed lip breathing is one of the simplest ways to control shortness of breath. It provides a quick and easy way to slow your pace of breathing, making each breath more effective. What does pursed lip breathing do? Pursed lip breathing: Improves ventilation, releases trapped air in the lungs, keeps the airways open longer and decreases the work of breathing, prolongs exhalation to slow the breathing rate, improves breathing patterns by moving old air out of the lungs and allowing for new air to enter the lungs, relieves shortness of breath, causes general relaxation. When should I use this technique? Use this technique during the difficult part of any activity, such as bending, lifting or stair climbing. Practice this technique 4 - 5 times a day at first so you can get the correct breathing pattern. Pursed lip breathing technique: Relax your neck and shoulder muscles, breathe in ( inhale ) slowly through your nose for two counts, keeping your mouth closed. Don't take a deep breath; a normal breath will do. It may help to count to yourself: inhale, one, two. Pucker or "purse" your lips as if you were going to whistle or gently flicker the flame of a candle. Breathe out ( exhale ) slowly and gently through your pursed lips while counting to four. It may help to count to yourself: exhale, one, two, three, four.

Cardiac Teaching 1865

Instructed patient t other S/S of cardiac complications requiring medical intervention such as: increased SOB, palpitations,
 irregular heart beat, faintness, and weakness. Replace butter and margarine with 
heart-healthy oils such as olive oil and canola oil. Other heart-healthy foods include walnuts, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, 
whole-grain breads, low-fat dairy products, beans, and lean meats. Ask your caregiver how much salt you can eat each day. Avoid salt substitutes.

Cardiac Teaching 1866

Instructed patient Eat a heart-healthy diet Eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease. A diet rich in fruits,
 vegetables and whole grains can help protect your heart. Beans, other low-fat sources of protein and certain types of fish 
also can reduce your risk of heart disease. Stop your activity if you feel short of breath, dizzy, or have any pain in your chest. Do not do any activity
 or exercise that causes pulling or pain across your chest, (such as using a rowing machine, twisting, or lifting weights.

Cardiac Teaching 1867

Instructed patient what lifestyle choices can help me feel my best: Stay active. If you are not active, your symptoms are
 likely to worsen quickly. Walking, and other types of physical activity help maintain your strength and improve your 
mood. Physical activity also helps you manage your weight. Eat heart-healthy foods and limit sodium (salt An easy way to 
do this is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer canned and processed foods.

Hallucinations Teaching 2125

SN instructed patient on hallucinations, you must use diversion tactics when hallucinations start, try telling yourself they are not real especially when they are scary, use music or television for distraction when auditory hallucinations start, continue to take medication as ordered, call a friend or family member for support when needed. Patient verbalized understanding.

Oxygen Teaching 2126

SN instructed patient / caregiver about a few simple precautions that can be taken to create a safe home environment when using oxygen. Oxygen canisters should be kept at least 5 - 10 feet away from gas stoves, lighted fireplaces, wood stoves, candles or other sources of open flames. Do not use electric razors while using oxygen ( These are a possible source of sparks ). Do not use oil, grease or petroleum - based products on the equipment. Do not use it near you while you use oxygen. These materials are highly flammable and will burn readily with the presence of oxygen. Avoid petroleum - based lotions or creams, like Vaseline, on your face or upper chest. Check the ingredients of such products before purchase. If a skin moisturizer is needed, consider using cocoa butter, aloe vera or other similar products. For lubrication or rehydration of dry nasal passages, use water - based products. Your pharmacist or care provider can suggest these.

Oxygen Teaching 2127

SN instructed patient / caregiver about a few simple precautions that can be taken to create a safe home environment when using oxygen. Post signs in every room where oxygen is in use. Make sure that absolutely no smoking occurs in the home or in the car when oxygen is in use. Secure an oxygen cylinder to a solidly fixed object to avoid creating a missile out of the tank. This might happen if it was accidentally knocked over and gas was allowed to escape. Use caution with oxygen tubing so you do not trip over it or become entangled in furniture. Be familiar with the equipment and the safety checks established by the medical equipment provider. Keep their contact telephone numbers, and the numbers for other emergency services, posted near a phone. Do not try to repair broken equipment on your own. Request this service from the oxygen provider. Make sure smoke detectors in the home are working. Have fresh batteries installed. Perform monthly checks. Have a fire extinguisher available in the home as well ( Use type ABC ). Create and practice an escape and rescue plan in the event of a fire. Notify the local fire department, gas and electric companies and telephone company when home oxygen therapy is started. Request a "priority service listing". This is for those times when there is a power or telephone failure or repairs are needed on any utility.

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection ( SCAD ) Teaching 2134

SN instructed patient on spontaneous coronary artery dissection ( SCAD ) and stent placement. A stent is a small rod made out of metal or fabric. It is inserted into a coronary artery when there is a blockage or when the artery is narrow. A coronary artery is a blood vessel that carries oxygen to the heart muscle. You received a stent due to coronary artery disease ( also called SCAD). That is caused by a thickening of the inside walls of the coronary arteries. This thickening is called atherosclerosis. A fatty substance called plaque builds up inside the thickened walls of the arteries, blocking or slowing the flow of blood. If your heart muscle doesn't get enough blood to work properly, you may have angina ( chest pain ) or a heart attack. The stent will help hold the artery open so blood can flow and help keep the artery from narrowing again. You will need to take medicine that keeps the stent open and blood flowing. It is very important to take the medicine exactly how your doctor tells you to take it. In addition to taking medicine, the best way to keep your heart healthy is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Quit smoking. Make sure you keep your blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels. Exercise as recommended by your doctor. Eat a heart - healthy diet. Patient verbalized understanding well.