
Fats Teaching 2153

SN Instructed patient and caregiver on good fats vs bad fats basically. There are two groups of fats: saturated and unsaturated. Within each group are several more types of fats. The unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats include polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Both mono and polyunsaturated fats, when eaten in moderation and used to replace saturated or trans fats, can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease, Polyunsaturated fats, found mostly in vegetable oils, help lower both blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, especially when you substitute them for saturated fats. One type of polyunsaturated fat is omega - 3 fatty acids.

Healthy diet Teaching 1938

SN instructed that a healthy diet is a major factor in reducing your risk of heart disease. A healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. Most fruits and vegetables are part of a heart-healthy diet. They are good sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Most are low in fat, calories, sodium, and cholesterol. Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Choose whole grain foods (such as bread, cereal, crackers, and pasta) for at least half of your daily grain intake. Grain products provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. Eating too many grains, especially refined grain foods (such as white bread, pasta, and baked goods) can cause weight gain. Avoid high-fat baked goods such as butter rolls, cheese crackers, and croissants and cream sauces for pasta. Lean proteins, poultry, seafood, dried peas, lentils, nuts, and eggs are good sources of protein, B vitamins, iron, and other vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods with a lot of saturated fats including animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, sour cream, lard, and fatty meats such as bacon.

Healthy diet Teaching 1941

SN instructed patient that the no concentrated sweets (NCS) diet is designed to limit the total sugar in the diet to achieve and maintain near normal blood sugar levels. Foods that should be avoided includes sugar, regular syrup, molasses, and regular jam and jelly, candy, pie, cake, cookies, doughnuts, etc.

Cardiac Teaching 1965

A cardiac diet, as the name suggests, is often prescribed for patients who have a history of heart related problems / diseases. The cardiac diet is a healthy eating plan prepared to counter diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart attack and so on. Even if a person does not suffer from a heart condition it is advisable to follow this diet as a preventive measure. Some Basic Facts about the Cardiac Diet The following are some basic facts that determine the cardiac diet. Consumption of Foods that Contain Healthy Fats Healthy Fats. Two types of fat that can be beneficial for the body are polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats are found in foods such as: leafy green vegetables nuts seeds fish Monounsaturated fats are said to decrease the levels of LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol in the body. They are found in foods such as: Milk products avocado olives nuts Unhealthy Fats: One should avoid the consumption of trans fat and saturated fats. Trans fat increase the level of bad cholesterol in the body. They are often found in: packaged food items that are fried in some of the foods sold in fast food restaurants Although they help to increase the shelf life of a product they are very harmful for the body. Saturated fats are found in foods such as: cream cheese butter ghee coconut oil

supplemental drinks Teaching 1993

SN instructs us on different ways to make supplemental drinks taste more appetizing, heating the drink in a mug (hot chocolate or warm vanilla milk) -blending it with ice to make a milkshake -blending the ensure with frozen fruit ( esp. bananas or frozen strawberries ) -making a "latte" by foaming/warming the drink and adding coffee -adding coffee to heated ensure -freezing the ensure and eating it like a slushy -add 2 TB peanut butter, 1 TB cocoa powder. Blend, freeze or heat.

Low residue diet Teaching 2003

SN instructed on a low residue diet. A low residue diet is a diet designed to reduce the frequency and volume of stools while prolonging intestinal transit time. It is similar to a low-fiber diet, but typically includes restrictions on foods that increase bowel activity, such as milk, milk products, and prune juice. A low residue diet typically contains less than 7–10 grams of fiber per day. Long term use of this diet, with its emphasis on processed foods and reduced intake of fruits and vegetables, may not provide required amounts of nutrients including potassium, vitamin C, calcium, and folic acid.Patient/caregiver verbalized understanding.

Low fat diet Teaching 2008

RN instructed on low fat diet for treatment of high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. RN explained patient to avoid foods that are rich in fat / cholesterol, choose only lean meat and avoid the fat, eat more fish and poultry, have baked / broiled red meats, fish or poultry instead of fried, use low-fat or fat-free milk, try fat-free or low fat cottage cheese or yogurt in place of cream and sour cream, have steamed vegetables and dress salads with lemon juice, fat free mayonnaise or fat free dressing. RN also instructed patient that Atorvastatin reduces levels of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, while increasing levels of "good" cholesterol and is used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and therefore it is used to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack and other heart complications in people with diabetes, coronary heart disease or other risk factors.

High blood pressure Teaching 2012

RN instructed patient and caregiver on no-added-salt or salt-controlled diet that can help control high blood pressure. RN explained that even if taking medication, it's important to follow a salt-controlled diet to help the medication work more effectively and use a limited amount of salt in cooking. RN instructed caregiver not to add salt to food at the table, either at home or when dining out. RN also instructed patient to use fresh or dried herbs, spices, and lemon juice to season foods and avoid ham, bacon, salt pork and cheese because these are made with salt. Patient and caregiver verbalized understanding of all instructions given.

Teaching 1559

Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. This means making sure you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, as well as foods that are not high in fat. You should drink milk every day to give your bones the calcium that makes them strong.

Low Purine Diet Teaching 1613

SN instructed patient to follow a low purine diet to help minimize acute gout attacks by limiting meat, poultry and fish. Animal proteins are high in purine. Avoid or severely limit high-purine foods, such as organ meats, herring, anchovies and mackerel. Red meat (beef, pork and lamb), fatty fish and seafood (tuna, shrimp, lobster and scallops) are associated with increased risk of gout. Because all meat, poultry and fish contain purines, limit your intake to 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams) daily. SN instructed pt/cg to cut back on fat since saturated fat lowers the body's ability to eliminate uric acid. Also instructed patient Limit or avoid foods sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. Fructose is the only carbohydrate known to increase uric acid. It is best to avoid beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, such as soft drinks or juice drinks. Juices that are 100 percent fruit juice do not seem to stimulate uric acid production as much. SN also discussed to choose complex carbohydrates and explained to patient/cg that pt will need to eat more whole grains and fruits and vegetables and fewer refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, cakes and candy. SN advised CG to ensure that pt. drinks plenty of fluids, particularly water. Fluids can help remove uric acid from your body.