
Miscellaneous Teaching 973

Taught that maintaining strong bones by slowing bone loss helps to reduce the risk of fractures.

Miscellaneous Teaching 974

Taught that most people with high cholesterol or triglycerides do not feel sick.

Miscellaneous Teaching 975

Instructed patient and caregiver on the importance of keeping all passageways uncluttered at her/his apartment/house. Clean and in good repair, with no obstruction across or in aisles. Also adequate illumination helps. Both patient and caregiver verbalized understanding.

Miscellaneous Teaching 976

Instructed on the importance of notifying physician, nurse or other health care provider immediately if black/tarry stools occur.

Miscellaneous Teaching 977

Instructed on the importance of having both her blood sugar level and blood pressure monitored on a daily basis, as directed by MD.

Miscellaneous Teaching 978

Instructed on the importance of wearing a medic-alert bracelet containing necessary information for care.

Miscellaneous Teaching 979

Instructed on the importance of having safety measures implemented throughout the apartment/house in order to reduce the risk of falls/injuries.

Miscellaneous Teaching 980

Instructed on the importance of having safety measures implemented (e.g., passageways uncluttered, good illumination, rugs removed, surfaces dried) in order to reduce the risk of accidents/injuries.

Miscellaneous Teaching 981

Instructed on proper method of medication intake, as many people taking prescription medications do not follow their doctors' instructions.

Miscellaneous Teaching 982

Instructed on the importance of notifying physician, nurse or other health care provider immediately if chest pain/discomfort occur.