
Hypoglycemia Teaching 788

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. If having hypoglycemia during the night, people may wake up tired or with a headache. And it

Hypoglycemia Teaching 789

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. if you have symptoms of low blood sugar, you need to eat or drink something with sugar in it. For example, you could eat raisins, graham crackers, or candy. You could also drink skim milk, regular (not diet) soda, or fruit juice. You may also take glucose tablets.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 790

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia may result from a variety of causes that include: Too much insulin. Tumors in the pancreas (insulinomas), certain disorders of the pancreas, or some autoimmune diseases can cause too much insulin to be produced. These conditions are rare.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 791

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia may result from a variety of causes that include: illnesses and other health conditions. Hypoglycemia may occur when other diseases and disorders affect the body's sugar metabolism. These can include disorders of the pancreas and endocrine system; diseases of the liver, adrenal glands (such as Addison's disease), or kidneys; heart failure, which can impair liver function; and sepsis. In very rare cases, nonpancreatic tumors cause hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 793

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia symptoms, such as shaking or physical tremor. Tremors are the involuntary trembling of the body often it affects the fingers or hands. Another sign is the palpitations. Abnormality of the heart beat that a person slurred speech or difficulty articulating words.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 794

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia symptoms such as, paleness, whitening or pallor of the skin. Localized pallor can also occur in areas of poor circulation such as the hands and fingers. Others signs of hypoglycemia are headache, irritability, sweating, and a cold, clammy feeling are also signs of low blood sugar.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 806

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. When blood sugar drops too low, the level of insulin declines and other cells in the pancreas release glucagon, which causes the liver to turn stored glycogen back into glucose and release it into the blood. This brings blood sugar levels back up to normal.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 764

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia may result from a variety of causes, which include: Spontaneous reactive hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia within 1 to 2 hours after a meal in people who have not had stomach surgery is called spontaneous reactive hypoglycemia. It also is sometimes called functional or idiopathic hypoglycemia. In many cases, it is difficult to verify that the symptoms are caused by low blood sugar.

Hypoglycemia Teaching 765

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. Insulin, glucagon and other hormone levels rise and fall to keep blood sugar in a normal range. Too little or too much of these hormones can cause blood sugar levels to fall too low (hypoglycemia) or rise too high (hyperglycemia).

Hypoglycemia Teaching 766

Patient was instructed on hypoglycemia. Normally, blood glucose levels increase slightly after you eat a meal. When blood sugar rises, cells in the pancreas release insulin, causing the body to absorb glucose from the blood and lowering the blood sugar level to normal.