
Constipation Teaching 2262

SN instructed patient to increase fluid intake after discharge for constipation due to anesthesia and pain medication. Patient may also try warm prune juice, stool softener (Senokot) or magnesium citrate.

Constipation Teaching 2257

SN instructed patient/ CG about laxatives. Laxatives should be taken as ordered. Drink plenty of fluids. Overuse of laxatives can cause constipation.

Constipation Teaching 820

Instructed on the importance of establishing regular times for evacuations.

Constipation Teaching 854

Instructed on some measures aimed to preventing constipation, such as: exercise regularly at a slow, steady pace, as directed by MD.

Constipation Teaching 1247

Taught that low back pain and headache may constitute as signs/symptoms of constipation.

Constipation Teaching 995

Taught that low back pain and rectal pressure may constitute as signs/symptoms of constipation.

Constipation Teaching 996

Instructed on some measures aimed to controlling/managing constipation, such as: eat a diet high in fiber and exercise regularly, as directed by MD.

Constipation Teaching 997

Instructed on some measures aimed to controlling/managing constipation, such as: avoid/decrease intake of foods with white sugar, pasta, pastries, cheese and rice.

Constipation Teaching 998

Instructed on some measures aimed to controlling/managing constipation, such as: establish regular times for evacuations (usually after a meal) and drink a warm liquid one-half hour before breakfast to stimulate bowel movement, among others.

Constipation Teaching 999

Instructed on some measures aimed to controlling/managing constipation, such as: avoid laxative and enema abuse, among others.