
Urostomy Teaching 2419

Instructed patient be sure to treat any skin redness or skin changes right away, when the problem is minor. DO NOT allow the problem area to become larger or more irritated before asking your provider about it.

Urostomy Teaching 2418

Instructed patient caring for your stoma and the skin around it is very important to prevent infection of your skin and kidneys.

Urostomy Teaching 2216

SN Instructed to the urostomy care: How to change the Urostomy bag: Prepare the new bag. Gather everything you need in the bathroom: plastic bags, toilet paper, paper towels or a soft washcloth, a clean cloth wipe, an additional skin barrier in the form of a paper towel (if desired) and a new bag.If the bag you use does not come with a skin barrier already made, take the measurements and now form the opening with scissors. Slowly remove the skin barrier lining. Put aside the skin barrier. Empty the used bag before removing it. To empty the bag, sit on the toilet or stand in front of it: Remove the used bag. To remove the used bag, sit on the toilet or stand in front of it. Carefully separate the skin from the skin barrier with one hand. To do this, start at the top edge of the skin barrier. With the other hand, slowly release the skin barrier from top to bottom. Seal the used bag tightly inside a plastic bag and dispose of it in the trash: Clean the area around the stoma. Use toilet paper to clean urine and mucus in the stoma or the skin around it. Clean the skin with warm water and a soft cloth wipe or a paper towel. Clean up to the stoma border. You can also do this while showering. Dry the skin without rubbing, using a clean towel; and Place the new bag. Use a folded paper towel or a piece of gauze to keep the stoma dry while placing the new pouch. Once you have changed the bag, wash your hands.

Urostomy Teaching 2204

Urostomy care Instructed patient When to Change the Pouch. Most urostomy pouches need to be changed 1 to 2 times a week. It is 
important to follow a schedule for changing your pouch. DO NOT wait until it leaks because urine leaks can harm your skin.

Urostomy Teaching 1829

Instructed patient How can a urostomy fit into you lifestyle: Reduce odor. Some foods, such as asparagus, cheese, and eggs may cause your urine to have a strong odor. Vitamin C may help to decrease urine odor. Drink liquids as directed. Most people should drink at least 8 (8-ounce) cups of liquids each day.

Urostomy Teaching 1830

Instructed patient How can a urostomy fit into you lifestyle: Stay active and exercise as directed. Ask your caregiver about the best exercise plan for you. Wear your pouch when you swim. Use waterproof tape over the edges of your skin barrier to keep your pouch from leaking.

Urostomy Teaching 1831

Skilled nurse flush blader catheter and performed urostomy care was done. Instructed patient When should I contact your caregiver? You have a fever, You have blood in your urine, and your urine has a strong odor, your incision wound or stoma is red or swollen, or you have a rash.

Urostomy Teaching 1832

Instructed patient when you call your nurse or doctor you have nausea, bloating, pain, or are vomiting, you have little or no urine coming from your stoma, your stoma changes in size or appearance, you are weak and unable to do your normal activities.