
Hyperthermia Teaching 1616

SN instructed on hyperthermia. Explained that hyperthermia is when the body's core temperature is below the normal and one start to shiver tremendously which and can turn worse into a glassy stare, pale in color, even frost bite, also altered mental status if severe enough. If by chance pt or any loved one was to start experiencing this, and if in wet clothes, one must get out of them into warm dry clothes. Gradually start warming the body with blankets and avoid giving any liquids if in the stage of altered mental state, due to possibility of person going unconscious. Never give person alcohol, or anything with caffeine. Skin to skin contact can help bring ones body temperature up. If frost bit occurs, one can warm body part usually fingers and toes up in warm to hot water up to 110degrees by soaking for awhile, if person is going to moved out of warm place do not re-warm feet just apply 4x4's in-between toes to avoid them sticking to each other.