
Dehydration Teaching 2430

Patient instructed on the importance of drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day. Hydration is important for wound healing, healthy skin, digestion, healthy kidneys, and electrolyte balance. Instructed on the increased risk for dehydration during the summer months.

Dehydration Teaching 2211

Patient was instructed to drink adequate amounts of fluids to prevent dehydration. Sports drinks and fruit juices are helpful too, but they don't provide the ideal balance of water, sugar, and salt. However, drinking more fluid than your body can process can reduce the amount of sodium (salt) in your blood. In the elderly, your body's fluid reserve becomes smaller, your ability to conserve water is reduced and your thirst sense becomes less acute. Symptoms are: extreme thirst, less frequent urination, dark-colored urine, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, patient verbalized understanding.

Dehydration Teaching 1756

Patient was instructed to drink adequate amounts of fluids to prevent dehydration. Sports drinks and fruit juices are helpful too, but they don't provide the ideal balance of water, sugar, and salt. However, drinking more fluid than your body can process can reduce the amount of sodium (salt) in your blood.

Dehydration Teaching 267

Instructed patient to maintain adequate fluid intake (5-7 cups of water per day)to avoid dehydration.