Headache Teaching 1899

SN instructed patient / caregiver on headache which is a pain in any region of the head. SN instructed patient / caregiver that headache can occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point, or have a vise -like quality. SN instructed patient / caregiver on that headache may be a sharp pain, throbbing sensation or dull ache. SN instructed patient / caregiver that headache can appear gradually or suddenly. SN instructed patient / caregiver that headache can be triggered by lifestyle factors such alcohol (particularly red wine), certain foods (processed meats that contain nitrates), lack of sleep, poor postures, skipped meals and stress. SN instructed patient / caregiver on emergency preparedness and to encourage to report any new or severe symptoms.