Hyponatremia Teaching 2261

SN instructed caregivers/patient on hyponatremia, which means your blood level of sodium (salt) is too low. Salt is needed for the body and brain to work. Very low blood levels of sodium can be fatal. Symptoms can include headache, confusion, fatigue, muscle cramps, hallucinations, seizures, and coma. To help prevent hyponatremia, take all medicines exactly as directed. Certain medicines can lower blood sodium levels. Have your sodium levels checked often. This is vital if you take a diuretic (medicine that helps your body get rid of water). Call your provider right away if you have any of the following: Severe tiredness, Fainting, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Nausea or vomiting, Confusion or forgetfulness, Muscle spasms, cramping, twitching Seizures, or Gait disturbances. Caregiver voiced understanding.