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Urostomy Teaching 2216

SN Instructed to the urostomy care: How to change the Urostomy bag: Prepare the new bag. Gather everything you need in the bathroom: plastic bags, toilet paper, paper towels or a soft washcloth, a clean cloth wipe, an additional skin barrier in the form of a paper towel (if desired) and a new bag.If the bag you use does not come with a skin barrier already made, take the measurements and now form the opening with scissors. Slowly remove the skin barrier lining. Put aside the skin barrier. Empty the used bag before removing it. To empty the bag, sit on the toilet or stand in front of it: Remove the used bag. To remove the used bag, sit on the toilet or stand in front of it. Carefully separate the skin from the skin barrier with one hand. To do this, start at the top edge of the skin barrier. With the other hand, slowly release the skin barrier from top to bottom. Seal the used bag tightly inside a plastic bag and dispose of it in the trash: Clean the area around the stoma. Use toilet paper to clean urine and mucus in the stoma or the skin around it. Clean the skin with warm water and a soft cloth wipe or a paper towel. Clean up to the stoma border. You can also do this while showering. Dry the skin without rubbing, using a clean towel; and Place the new bag. Use a folded paper towel or a piece of gauze to keep the stoma dry while placing the new pouch. Once you have changed the bag, wash your hands.

Injection Teaching 733

Caregiver was instructed that most people pinch up a fold of skin and insert the needle at aangle to the skin fold. To pinch the skin properly, follow these steps: Squeeze a couple of inches of skin between the thumb and two fingers, pulling the skin and fat away from the underlying muscle. (If use a 5 millimeter mini-pen needle to inject, you don't have to pinch up the skin when injecting at aangle; with this shorter needle, you don't have to worry about injecting into muscle.)" Insert the needle, Hold the pinch so the needle doesn't go into the muscle, Push the plunger, "release the grip on the skin fold. Remove the needle from the skin.

Tracheostomy Teaching 2517

Instructed patient how do I care for my skin around my trach tube. Clean your skin at least once each day. You may need to clean it more often if you cough up a lot of thick mucus. You may need someone to help you clean your skin. Wash your hands and put on gloves. This will prevent infection. Suction the area around your stoma. This will help remove mucus .Clean your skin around the stoma, clean the tube flanges, change wet or dirty trach ties., place a gauze between your skin and the flanges and check your skin every day for signs of infection. Look for redness or swelling of the skin around your tube. Also look for pus, bleeding, or a rash.

Skin Care Teaching 2618

SN instructed patient and caregiver on preventing skin tears. In terms of prevention, protective arm sleeves are helpful. The use of paper or gentle release tapes is also a better alternative to nylon tape, when it comes to sensitive or aging skin. In addition, it is important to routinely moisturize dry skin with an appropriate moisturize barrier. As we age, hydrating dry skin helps to replenish missing skin and keep skin healthy and intact. Oral hydration is important as well. Patient and caregiver verbalize understanding instructions given.

Skin Care Teaching 2295

SN instructed patient that diabetes may lead to skin problems that range from itching to infections that are hard to control. To reduce your chances for getting skin problems, take good care of your skin every day: Bathe daily with mild soap and lukewarm water. Apply a small amount of moisturizing lotion while your skin is moist. Avoid scratches, punctures, and other injuries.

Colostomy Teaching 1871

Instructed patient to check your skin and the back of your skin barrier each time you change your pouching system. You can use a mirror to check your skin under the stoma. Look for any places where stool or urine may have leaked under the skin barrier and onto your skin. When you apply your next pouching system these areas may need some extra reinforcement with skin barrier strips, rings or paste.

Colostomy Teaching 1872

Instructed patient when you have a stoma that drains urine or loose stool you may want to consider using an extended wear skin barrier because it will give your skin added protection. Itching or burning under the skin barrier may indicate that you have leakage, a skin rash, or a skin infection. You need to remove your pouching system as soon as possible to check your skin for any irritation.

Doxycycline Teaching 2026

SN instructed that doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic. It fights bacteria in the body. Take doxycycline exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. Take doxycycline with a full glass of water. Drink plenty of liquids while you are taking this medicine. Most brands of doxycycline may be taken with food or milk if the medicine upsets your stomach. Different brands of doxycycline may have different instructions about taking them with or without food. Take Oracea on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.Call your doctor at once if you have: changes in your vision; severe stomach pain, diarrhea that is watery or bloody, fever, swollen glands, body aches, flu symptoms, weakness, skin rash, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle weakness; upper stomach pain ( may spread to your back ), loss of appetite, dark urine, jaundice ( yellowing of the skin or eyes ); chest pain, irregular heart rhythm, feeling short of breath; confusion, nausea and vomiting, swelling, rapid weight gain, little or no urinating; new or worsening cough with fever, trouble breathing;increased pressure inside the skull - skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads ( especially in the face or upper body ) and causes blistering and peeling. Severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, nausea, vision problems, pain behind your eyes; or severe skin reaction - fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your eyes.

Foot care Teaching 631

Patient was instructed about the skin damage: the skin may be dry and cracked because of high glucose levels, and cracked skin means it's easier for bacteria to get under the skin and harder for infections to heal. Use a small amount of skin lotion daily, to be sure the feet feel dry - not damp or sticky - afterwards. Try not to get the lotion in between the toes. Keep the toenails trimmed and filed smooth to avoid ingrown toenails. Further teaching is needed.

Skin Care Teaching 650

Patient was instructed on skin care. Keep the skin clean and dry. When bathing or showering, use warm water and a mild, moisture-containing soap. After washing, make sure to rinse and dry the body well. (Pat the skin dry, do not rub). Check places where water can collect such as under the arms, between the legs and between the toes.