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Colorectal Cancer Teaching 1399

The patient was instructed in colorectal cancer in the care of the surgical dressing, explaining how to inspect the incision. The patient was advised in maintaining regular bowel movements, eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet, and avoid constipation.

Endoscopy Teaching 1436

The patient was instructed in endoscopy that a sore throat or eructing may continue for 3 days after the practice. The patient was advised throat pills or warm gargles to ease throat pain. The patient was instructed to follow a prescribed diet for the original condition when gag and swallowing reactions coming back, in 2 to 4 hours. The patient was advised to beginning with soft, bland foods until soreness decreases.

Gastrectomy Teaching 1443

The patient was instructed in gastrectomy indicating good wound management, dressing changes, process, regularity, and check of skin. The patient was advised in obtaining appropriate devices, such as ostomy appliances, sterile dressings, and tube feedings and feeding pump. The patient was explained in characteristic relief of abandoning syndrome. The patient was advised to plan a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, high-protein diet. The patient was taught to eat small, frequent meals and to avoid taking liquids with meals. The patient was recommended to adopt a reclining position after meals.

Gastrointestinal Bleeding Teaching 1446

The patient was instructed in gastrointestinal bleeding in how to observer stools for blood and show stool occult blood test. The patient was instructed the status of smoking termination and complete abstinence from alcohol. The patient was advised to evade coughing, sneezing, lifting, straining during defecation, or vomiting. The patient was reviewed whether medicines should be taken with food or require an empty stomach. The patient was advised to evade use of aspirin having medications like ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. The patient was taught to design a diet high in vitamin K. The patient was instructed to eat small, frequent meals, to chew food well, and to eat slowly. The patient was instructed to drink water with meals. The patient was taught with a list of irritating foods and drugs to evade like coffee, tea, caffeine, spicy foods, rough foods, citric acid juices, hot foods. The patient was advised to evade milk because it occasionally gives to increase gastric acid secretion.

Hemolytic Anemia Teaching 1454

The patient was instructed in hemolytic anemia the need to evade aspects that quick hemolytic emergency like infection, trauma, chemicals, and toxic drug reactions. The patient was advised the need for a well-balanced diet that is rich in iron and protein. The patient was reviewed to evade fatty foods. The patient was recommended to maintain hydration position.

Hemorrhoid Teaching 1456

The patient was instructed in hemorrhoid the necessity to eat a diet high in fiber to encourage regular bowel movements and soft seats. The patient was advised to drink sufficiently of fluids. The patient was reviewed to use chair softeners and unpackaged laxatives to prevent constipation. The patient was recommended to do daily minor exercise to improve peristalsis and help elimination. The patient was encouraged to defecate on time after the impulse so that compression in the rectum will be prevented. The patient was taught to evade long sitting, squatting, or standing. The patient was instructed to evade pulling during defecation. The patient was advised to sit on thick foam pillows or pads. The patient was taught to use warm place bath for short-lived periods to evade hypotension secondary and vasodilation of pelvic blood vessels. The patient was encouraged the importance of perianal hygiene at all times. The patient was instructed to wipe softly after a bowel movements. The patient was taught to use warm bandages to encourage circulation.

Ulcerative Colitis Teaching 1531

The patient was instructed in ulcerative colitis (Crohn’s Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the need for perianal care daily and after each bowel movement. The patient was taught perianal and perianeal skin care. The patient was encouraged a diet is bland, low in residue, fiber, and fat, but high in protein, calories, carbohydrates, and vitamins. The patient was recommended to evade seasoned foods, raw fruits and vegetables, foods containing rough cereals, bran, seeds or nuts, milk, fatty or fried foods, caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages.

Docusate Teaching 1552

Patient was instructed in a list measures to meet diet requirements to avoid constipation such as: increase fiber foods (grains, vegetables, legumes) and increase sugar free liquids, avoid prolonged sitting or bed to promote bowel movement, also take medication as order, Docusate Ca 240 mg 1 tab PO PRN for constipation

Docusate Teaching 1553

Patient was educated to follow an adequate diet, high in vegetables cereals and increase the sugar free liquid intake as tolerated and recommended by MD to avoid constipation, also take medication as order, Docusate Ca 240 mg 1 tab PO PRN for constipation.

Teaching 1564

PATIENT IS INSTRUCTED THAT Rather than avoiding vitamin K, PATIENT should maintain a consistent intake of vitamin K by maintaining a consistent diet. In other words, from week to week, you should eat the same types of foods. THERE ARE MANY FOOD RICH IN VITAMIN K SUCH AS green vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables, and certain oils have a high content of vitamin K. Most fruits, meats, dairy products, and grains are low in vitamin K.