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General information Teaching 2438

SN instructed patient on importance of hand washing before and after eating, after using the bathroom , after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, after being outside , in order to prevent spread of germs.

Catheter Teaching 2643

Hand washing performed. Assembled supplies and created sterile field. Foley catheter removed and discarded using a double bag technique. Peri hygiene performed. Donned sterile gloves Insertion site area prepped using 3 swabs betadine. Foley catheter 20 Fr. 5 ML balloon inserted using sterile technique. Blood tinged urine immediate return that cleared to yellow noted. Catheter attached to collection bag for gravity drainage. Pt. tolerated well.

Depression Teaching 606

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. Depression and diabetes are two conditions that can sometimes go hand-in-hand. Fist, diabetes can increase the risk of depression, in fact having diabetes doubles the risk of depression compared to people who don't have this disease.

Teaching 674

Patient was instructed on hand-eye coordination description. Vision is the process of understanding what is seen by the eyes. It involves more than simple visual acuity (ability to distinguish fine details). Vision also involves fixation and eye movement abilities, accommodation (focusing) convergence (eye aiming) binocularity (eye teaming) and the control of hand-eye coordination.

Teaching 675

Patient was instructed on hand-eye coordination description. Most hand movements require visual input to be carried out effectively in conjunction with fine motors skills. Fine motors skills are involved in the control of small muscles movements, such as using fingers with a purpose and in coordination with the eyes.

Urostomy Teaching 2216

SN Instructed to the urostomy care: How to change the Urostomy bag: Prepare the new bag. Gather everything you need in the bathroom: plastic bags, toilet paper, paper towels or a soft washcloth, a clean cloth wipe, an additional skin barrier in the form of a paper towel (if desired) and a new bag.If the bag you use does not come with a skin barrier already made, take the measurements and now form the opening with scissors. Slowly remove the skin barrier lining. Put aside the skin barrier. Empty the used bag before removing it. To empty the bag, sit on the toilet or stand in front of it: Remove the used bag. To remove the used bag, sit on the toilet or stand in front of it. Carefully separate the skin from the skin barrier with one hand. To do this, start at the top edge of the skin barrier. With the other hand, slowly release the skin barrier from top to bottom. Seal the used bag tightly inside a plastic bag and dispose of it in the trash: Clean the area around the stoma. Use toilet paper to clean urine and mucus in the stoma or the skin around it. Clean the skin with warm water and a soft cloth wipe or a paper towel. Clean up to the stoma border. You can also do this while showering. Dry the skin without rubbing, using a clean towel; and Place the new bag. Use a folded paper towel or a piece of gauze to keep the stoma dry while placing the new pouch. Once you have changed the bag, wash your hands.

Intravenous Medication Administration Teaching 2524

SN monitored the insertion site, including its appearance and the condition of the dressing. Palpated the site to determine if it's edematous or tender. Instructed the patient to report any pain or discomfort as soon as possible and reinforced caregiver knowledge on proper IV medication administration, Advised the patient and caregiver to keep the IV access site clean and dry at all times, make sure the site is covered before bathing, and use hand wipes for hand hygiene.

Catheter Teaching 63

Instructed in washinghands well before touching the catheter and use soap and water to wash the area around the catheter.

Pneumonia Teaching 290

Instructed patient about measures to prevent or treat pneumonia: eating well balanced meals, adequate rest, avoiding upper respiratory infections or getting promptly treatment for early symptoms, drinking large amounts of fluids to thin secretions and replace fluid loss, avoiding spread of infections by washinghands and properly dispose of tissues. Avoid smoking; perform coughing and deep breathing exercises.

Respiratory infection Teaching 500

Patient was instructed on respiratory infection. After initial infection, the viral replication cycle begins within 8 to hours. To prevent infection, washing or disinfecting hands has been found effective, as this minimizes person-to-person transmission of the virus.