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Peg Tube Teaching 2234

Instructed patient for the first 4-6 weeks after placement of a new PEG, bath water should not be so deep that the tube is 
under the water. Shower water should fall on your back only. For a balloon, low profile, or older PEG tube you can take a 
bath or shower as you normally do. Instructed patient call nurse or doctor if your body changes: your skin around tube has signs of infection: redness, warm to touch, firm to touch , tender.

General medication Teaching 2471

SN instructed patient and caregiver on medication diazepam, explained that this should be used during times of anxiety. Advised it can cause memory problems, drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion, it increases the patient fall risk as well. Both parties verbalized understanding.

Fall precautions Teaching 2652

SN taught patient rise slowly and pause prior to ambulation to ensure proper blood pressure adjustment. Pump ankle 5-10x to reduce risk of blood pressure drop after rising from seating position. Make sure you feel your seat on the back of your legs prior to sitting. Use appropriate assistive device to ambulate. Take extra precaution while turning, around rugs/mats and avoid walking backwards.