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Search results for: alzheimers-disease 

Parkinson Teaching 1038

Taught that encephalitis and positive family history of the disease are factors that may increase the risk of developing/exacerbating Parkinson

Emphysema Teaching 1057

Instructed on some measures aimed to managing/controlling Emphysema, such as: avoid or control stress, which can exacerbate disease.

Emphysema Teaching 1074

Taught that Emphysema is a chronic, irreversible lung disease caused by recurrent inflammation resulting in the destruction of lung tissue.

Osteoporosis Teaching 1118

Instructed on some factors that may increase the risk of developing/exacerbating Osteoporosis, such as: family history of the disease and inadequate dietary intake, among others.

Activity Intolerance Teaching 1156

Instructed on some potential factors of decreased tolerance in response to increased physical activity, such as: diseases (e.g., congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, infections and endocrine disorders).

Osteoarthritis Teaching 1189

Taught that Osteoarthritis is a degenerative, non-inflammatory joint disease.

Hypertension Teaching 1202

Instructed on some potential factors of hypertension (high blood pressure), such as: stress, high cholesterol intake and family history of the disease, among others.

Hypertension Teaching 1210

Instructed on some potential complications of hypertension, such as: retinal damage (causing visual changes) and heart disease, among others.

Peripheral Vascular Disease Teaching 1349

Instructed in possible complication of PVD such as ulcers, cellulites, gangrene, thrombophlebitis, etc.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Teaching 1363

Encouraged patient the necessity to maintain good oral and eye hygiene. Advised patient the need for oral suctioning as the disease progresses.