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Diabetic Foot Care Teaching 2605

SN instructed the patient on good diabetic foot care and assessment as follows: using a handheld mirror if needed assess feet daily to include in between toes. Never cut toenails or file down calluses. Only a podiatrist should do this. Report any blisters, cracks, wounds or any other concerns to your podiatrist immediately. Wash and lotion feet very well daily. Do not lotion between toes as this may cause maceration and cause skin breakdown. Recommended wearing diabetic socks. Always wear good fitting shoes. Preferably tailor-made for the patient. Never walk around barefoot.

Teaching 1571

Partient is unable for diabetic care due to multiples functional limitation such as poor vision, poor eyes/ hand coordination. No caregiver available at this time.

Wound Care Teaching 1807

Instructed caregiver reducing additional risk factors, such as , high cholesterol, and elevated blood glucose, are important in prevention and treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. Wearing the appropriate shoes and socks will go a long way in reducing risks. the patient podiatrist can provide guidance in selecting the proper shoes.

Healthy diet Teaching 1958

SN Instructed patient on diabetic dinner and snack example: Dinner- 3 ounces meat or protein, such as baked cod or salmon / 2 starches, such as 2/3 cup cooked brown rice, / 2 vegetables, such as 1 cup steamed asparagus and 1/2 cup cooked carrots / 1 fat, such as 1 tsp margarine or 1 tsp olive oil / 1 fruit, such as 3/4 cup fresh pineapple / 1 milk, such as 1 cup skim milk. Evening Snack - 1 bread, such as 3 cups air-popped popcorn / 1 meat or protein, such as 1/4 cup lowfat cottage cheese or 1 ounce turkey breast.

Heart Failure Teaching 2610

SN instructed patient about treatment of heart failure may include: controlling risk factors: quitting smoking losing weight and increasing moderate exercise restricting salt and fat from the diet avoiding alcohol proper rest controlling blood sugar if diabetic controlling blood pressure limiting fluids.