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Hypertension Teaching 299

Instructed patient on the importance of incorporating fruits and vegetables to his/her diet to help managing hypertension. Decreasing the salt in your diet, limiting alcohol and not smoking help as well. Regular monitoring of blood pressure track the progress of the condition. Patient verbalized understanding.

Wound Care Teaching 25

Instructed in management and control such as diet as prescribed by MD, adequate hydration 1000-2000cc 24 hours if not contraindicated, importance of high protein (meat, legumes, eggs, daily), iron and vitamin supplements if indicated.

Angina pectoris Teaching 40

Instructed in measures to decrease risk of angina pectoris: exercise regularly, take regular rest periods, eat small frequent meals, dress warmly in cold weather, take medications as prescribed, eat diet high in fiber and others.

Rheumatoid arthritis Teaching 54

Instructed in measures to control rheumatoid arthritis such as adequate exercise, proper diet, stress control, pain control, physical or occupational therapy, self-help devices, emotional support and others.

Constipation Teaching 115

Instructed in measures to prevent constipation: increasing fluids, eating a diet high in fiber, and avoiding foods with sugars (pasta, pastries, cheese, rice, etc.).

Bronchitis Teaching 116

Instructed in measures to prevent or manage bronchitis such as getting adequate rest, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding all respiratory irritants (smoke, dust, air pollution, etc.).

Diabetes Teaching 123

Instructed in measures important in management of diabetes mellitus: follow prescribed diabetic diet, see physician, dentist, and eye doctor regulary, take medications as ordered, exercise regularly.

Hypertension Teaching 130

Instructed in measures to control hypertension such as control stress, decrease cholesterol and sodium diet, take medication exactly as prescribed, etc.

Cardiac Teaching 176

Instructed in risk factors associated with heart disease, including smoking, family history, hypertension, stress and diet.

Hypertension Teaching 295

Instructed patient on measures to control hypertension, such as, control stress, decrease cholesterol and sodium in the diet, take medication exactly as prescribed, etc.