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Fall precautions Teaching 444

Caregiver instructed to place a slip-resistant rug on the floor next to the bathtub. This will ensure that the patient can get in and out of the bathtub safely without the risk of slipping or falling on the wet floor.

Fall precautions Teaching 811

Instructed patient to install light switches at both the top and bottom of stairways.

Fall precautions Teaching 813

Instructed patient in the importance to use the ambulatory aids to prevent accidental falls.

Fall precautions Teaching 822

Instructed on the importance of using adjunctive equipment (e.g., cane) as a measure aimed to reducing the risk of falls/injuries.

Dysrhythmia Arrhythmia Teaching 1427

The patient was instructed in dysrhythmia arrhythmia the importance of not smoking or using tobacco products. The patient was taught how to take the pulse for a full minute. The patient was advised the importance of leading a normal, productive life. The patient was instructed to understand what precautions to take at work and at home. The patient was advised the need to identify a health care facility near home and work.

Atrial Dysrhythmias Teaching 1428

The patient was instructed in atrial dysrhythmias the importance of not smoking or using tobacco products. The patient was taught how to take the pulse for a full minute. The patient was advised the importance of leading a normal, productive life. The patient was instructed to understand what precautions to take at work and at home. The patient was advised the need to identify a health care facility near home and work.

Supraventricular Dysrhythmias Teaching 1429

The patient was instructed in supraventricular dysrhythmia the importance of not smoking or using tobacco products. The patient was taught how to take the pulse for a full minute. The patient was advised the importance of leading a normal, productive life. The patient was instructed to understand what precautions to take at work and at home. The patient was advised the need to identify a health care facility near home and work.

Ventricular Dysrhythmias Teaching 1430

The patient was instructed in ventricular dysrhythmia the importance of not smoking or using tobacco products. The patient was taught how to take the pulse for a full minute. The patient was advised the importance of leading a normal, productive life. The patient was instructed to understand what precautions to take at work and at home. The patient was advised the need to identify a health care facility near home and work.

Glaucoma Teaching 1449

The patient was instructed in glaucoma and the causes that rise intraocular pressure and should be evaded, constrictive clothing around the neck or torso, lifting heavy objects. The patient was advised of the need to wear an eye patch or sunglasses to evade anxiety with light exposure. The patient was reviewed the meaning of not touching the eye. The patient was taught in the way for cleansing the eye. The patient was instructed in the significance of using glaucoma medication in the unoperated eye. The patient was instructed in the home safety precautions wanted because of reduced bordering vision, turn the head to visualize either sideways, use up-and-down head movements to reviewer stairs and oncoming objects and walk slowly.

Bleeding Precautions Teaching 1619

Avoid any head, chest or abdominal trauma, to avoid any falls, to avoid sharp objects such as razor, scissors, and nail clippers. You may carefully use an electric razor. Blow your nose gently and avoid forceful blowing of the nose. Do not take rectal temperature. Do not strain for bowel movements. Consider using stool softeners or laxatives if you are straining during bowel movements. Do not use any rectal suppositories or enemas. Avoid tight clothing such as girdles and tight undergarments or pants.