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Search results for: precautions-diabetes  Diseases Process  

Diabetes Teaching 894

Instructed on some signs and/or symptoms of high blood sugar, such as: nausea and dry, flushed skin.

Diabetes Teaching 895

Instructed on some signs and/or symptoms of high blood sugar, such as: dizziness, vomiting and abdominal cramps.

Diabetes Teaching 896

Taught that infection, stress and/or fever may lead to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).

Diabetes Teaching 897

Taught that insufficient insulin may lead to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).

Diabetes Teaching 898

Instructed on some signs and/or symptoms of low blood sugar, such as: hunger and impaired vision, among others.

Diabetes Teaching 899

Instructed on some signs and/or symptoms of low blood sugar, such as: drowsiness and pale, moist skin, among others.

Diabetes Teaching 900

Taught that excess insulin and unusual exercise may lead to low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).

Diabetes Teaching 901

Instructed on the importance of having her feet inspected on a daily basis, as directed by MD.

Coronary Artery Disease Teaching 1026

Instructed on some factors that may increase the risk of developing/exacerbating Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), such as: diabetes mellitus and a sedentary life-style, among others.

Diabetes Teaching 1212

Instructed on the importance of always carrying a carbohydrate snack when exercising.