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Stroke Teaching 117

Instructed in factors that increase the risk of stroke such as age, family history, race, prior stroke, history of diabetes, cardiac and renal disease, among others.

Stroke Teaching 119

Instructed in measures to prevent a stroke: prevent atherosclerosis, exercise regularly, avoid smoking, monitor and control diabetes, high blood pressure, or other diseases, etc.

Stroke Teaching 2031

SN instructed patient / caregiver that the stroke occurs when a clot or a torn blood vessel in the brain stops blood from reaching a part of the brain. Damage to that part of the brain from lack of blood and oxygen can cause various signs and symptoms of stroke, such as facial drooping, numbness and paralysis. Although anyone can have a stroke, your risk increases if you're male, over age 65, or have one of these conditions: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, or diabetes. Being overweight, smoking, abusing drugs or alcohol, and taking birth control pills increase risk, too. African - Americans, people who are Hispanic or Asian, and those with a close relative who's had a stroke are also at higher risk.