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Fall precautions Teaching 1287

Skilled nurse instructed patient on safety measures to avoid injuries and falls such as keeping adequate lighting during the day and night and was educated on proper use of assistive device to prevent falls.

Fall precautions Teaching 2291

Skilled received patient sitting on the chair, noted difficulty when patient was trying to get up with the crutches, patient is at risk for fall. SN instructed pt to avoid sitting on low chair or chair without a hand rest for support in order to prevent fall.

Fall precautions Teaching 2311

SN educated patient and caregiver on the importance of always using assistive device with ambulation and transfers to avoid falls or injuries. Nurse instructed patient and caregiver on the importance of home safety such as proper lighting, and to keep walkways free of debris and clutter. Patient was instructed to contact PCP or home health agency if they fall or if current health status declines. Patient was instructed to not walk unassisted when not feeling steady . Patient verbalized understanding