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Depression Teaching 606

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. Depression and diabetes are two conditions that can sometimes go hand-in-hand. Fist, diabetes can increase the risk of depression, in fact having diabetes doubles the risk of depression compared to people who don't have this disease.

Depression Teaching 607

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. It is often a vicious cycle. Depression can get worse as the complications of diabetes get worse, and being depressed can stop people from managing their diabetes as effectively as they need to, which can lead to increased incidence of long-term complications of diabetes as neuropathy or nephropathy.

Depression Teaching 608

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. Depression can color everything in a person's life. The ability to do everyday activities can become overwhelming, and this includes taking care of diabetes, such as taking medications, eating right and exercising.

Depression Teaching 612

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. Treating depression, getting help for depression not only improves a person's quality of life, it also can help people manage their diabetes better by giving them more energy and a more hopeful outlook.

Depression Teaching 609

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. Fatigue and lack of enthusiasm can cause people to withdraw from the things they used to like to do. Emotions become flat and thoughts can turn to sadness or anxiety.

Depression Teaching 610

Patient was instructed on depression as a diabetes complication. It is important recognizing the symptoms of depression to get help that is needed. Feeling sad for a prolonged period of time - feeling restless or anxious for non apparent reason - feeling hopeless, helpless or worthless - not being able to concentrate.