Foot care

Foot care Teaching 2432

SN instructed patient and caregiver to monitor circulation r/t Unna boots. Report if dressing is tight and constricting esp. in back of leg. Check color of feet and report if bluish or purple in color. Report any c/o numbness or tingling. Dressing should be removed immediately if any s/s occur. and notify physician or nurse.

Foot care Teaching 2213

Instructed patient to cleanse feet daily, dry thoroughly especially in between toes. Examine feet daily for bruises/sores/blisters, if any noted, notify MD asap. (use a mirror if needed to visualize) Wear proper fitting shoes and wear slippers/shoes at all times, and exercise feet daily. Demonstrated feet exercises, verbalized understanding.

Foot care Teaching 1665

SN instructed patient to perform daily meticulous foot care, to be sure to dry feet completely after a bath, checking for any sores, cuts or scrapes and to report any wounds as soon as they appear to SN or MD. Also have a podiatrist cut toenails regularly to prevent ingrown toenails and other complications.

Foot care Teaching 1248

SN suggested patient to have nails, calluses and corns trimmed by podiatrist because those with diabetes have poor circulation. A good blood circulation is known to aid your body in all healing processes, so when it becomes sluggish, it takes longer for any injuries to on feet to heal.

Foot care Teaching 1249

SN stressed importance of daily foot care such as wearing shoes or slippers at all time to prevent foot injury.

Foot care Teaching 621

Patient was instructed about foot care, trying non-impact exercise such as swimming, cycling, yoga, and tai chi are increasingly popular ways to exercise - with minimal impact on the feet. Talk with the doctor before starting an exercise program. Further teaching is needed.

Foot care Teaching 622

Patient was instructed on foot care: a podiatrist can also fit patient with shoe inserts called orthotics to support the feet if have diabetic nerve pain or the muscles have become weak from nerve damage. If pain or weakness is so severe that it's too painful or even impossible to walk, a foot brace or orthopedic shoes might help. Further teaching is needed.

Foot care Teaching 630

Patient was instructed about to tell the doctor about any changes in sensation in the toes, feet, or legs. Speak up if note pain, tingling, a pins-and-needles feeling, numbness, or any other unusual signs - even if it seems trivial to the patient. Further teaching is needed.

Foot care Teaching 631

Patient was instructed about the skin damage: the skin may be dry and cracked because of high glucose levels, and cracked skin means it's easier for bacteria to get under the skin and harder for infections to heal. Use a small amount of skin lotion daily, to be sure the feet feel dry - not damp or sticky - afterwards. Try not to get the lotion in between the toes. Keep the toenails trimmed and filed smooth to avoid ingrown toenails. Further teaching is needed.

Foot care Teaching 632

If your big toe slants sharply in toward your other toes, with a big bump on the knuckle of your big toe, you've got a classic bunion. Corns are spots of thick, rough skin, where the tissue builds up on toes constantly barraged by too much rubbing or pressure. A buckled-under toe, called a hammertoe, can result from muscle weakness caused by diabetic nerve damage. All of these make it hard to fit shoes comfortably. But a good podiatrist can help you fix these problems and take better care of your feet.