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Teachings for Nurses & Patients

General teaching Teaching 207

Instructed in deep breathing exercises to promote lung expansion and prevent pulmonary congestion.

Pacemaker Teaching 307

Instructed patient about how strongly electromagnetic fields, metal detectors or another electronical devices can interfere with pacemaker functioning.

Pacemaker Teaching 308

Instructed patient on how the microwave ovens do not pose danger to people with pacemakers, nor do cellular phones if kept at more than 6 inches away from the pacemaker.

Fall precautions Teaching 600

Patient was instructed on steps to prevent falls that might result in broken bones. Have the vision and hearing checked regularly, and wear slippers or shoes with a nonskid sole. Do exercises that improve balance and coordination. Limit alcohol use that clearly increases the risk of falling.

Foods Teaching 625

Patient was instructed about how to get a balanced diet: choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages among the basic food groups, balance calories from foods and beverages with physical activity to manage body weight, choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains often, eat 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables daily (for someone eating 2,000 calories) and other way to get the goals will be explained in next teaching. Further teaching is needed.

Endoscopy Teaching 1436

The patient was instructed in endoscopy that a sore throat or eructing may continue for 3 days after the practice. The patient was advised throat pills or warm gargles to ease throat pain. The patient was instructed to follow a prescribed diet for the original condition when gag and swallowing reactions coming back, in 2 to 4 hours. The patient was advised to beginning with soft, bland foods until soreness decreases.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Teaching 1464

The patient was instructed in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the necessity to record daily weight to notice fluid retention. The patient was advised not to stop the use of beta blockers. The patient was reviewed that prophylactic antibiotic will be required before dental and surgical procedures to decreases the risk of endocarditis.

Tracheostomy Teaching 1852

Instructed patient Clean technique includes: Hand washing, Using gloves is optional. Re-using a trach tube and/or inner cannula that has been properly cleaned, Using prepared sterile water and normal saline. Re-using the same trach ties if they are properly cleaned. Re-using suction catheters if they are properly cleaned(up to 8 hrs or 3/per day)

Low blood pressure Teaching 1917

SN instructed caregiver that symptoms of low blood pressure may include: blurry vision, confusion, dizziness, fainting (syncope), lightheadedness, nausea or vomiting, sleepiness, weakness. Treatment depends on the cause of your low blood pressure and your symptoms. If any symptoms from a drop in blood pressure, lie patient down right away, then raise patient's feet above heart level.

Migraine Teaching 1925

SN instructed that self-care measures can help ease the pain of a migraine headache. Such as, muscle relaxation exercises. Relaxation may help ease the pain of a migraine headache. SN instructed that relaxation techniques may include progressive muscle relaxation, meditation or yoga. SN also instructed that it is best to get enough sleep, but don't oversleep. Get an adequate amount of sleep each night. It's best to go to bed and wake up at regular times, as well. SN instructed on the importance of being able to rest and relax. If possible, rest in a dark, quiet room when you feel a headache coming on. Place an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to painful areas on your scalp.